All files / src/components/PieChart/Arc Arc.styles.ts

100% Statements 5/5
66.66% Branches 8/12
100% Functions 1/1
100% Lines 4/4

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  24x 24x 120x 120x              
import { IArcProps, IArcStyles } from './Arc.types';
import { DefaultPalette, ITheme } from '@fluentui/react/lib/Styling';
export const getStyles = (props: IArcProps, theme: ITheme | undefined): IArcStyles => {
  const { color } = props;
  return {
    arcRoot: { fill: color },
    arcRootFocussed: { fill: color, stroke: theme? ||, strokeWidth: 2 },
    arc: { outline: 'none' },
    arcText: { fill: theme? ||, outline: 'none' },